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I am who I am?cat02

People often say, "I am who I am" but most people don't know their true self. It is more accurate to say that it is you who make yourself this way, instead of saying this way is who you are. Ultimately you are not just…

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A Dilbert Momentcat04

A meeting  in corporate America... Colleague A: "The deadline for this report is tomorrow." Colleague B: "I am all booked tomorrow - can't cancel the meetings." Colleague C: "You have the analysis I sent out last week, right?" Colleague D: "If we are not done, we are not done." Colleague E: "Did we ever promise a report?" Colleague F: "No, just a memo."…

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The Mind

At each moment, your formless mind can generate a thought, which manifests as phenomenon. When you are enlightened, you see the Mind without manifestation. You realize that all phenomena cannot be distinguished…

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Koan: A String of White Pearlscat04

Master Dao Qian was the attendant of the abbot, Master Shi Shuang. After Master Shi Shuang's passing, the community asked the head monk to accept abbotship. Master Dao Qian reminded the assembly, "He must have a grasp of the abbot's teaching before we can accept him." The head monk asked, "What is the teaching of the Abbot?" Dao Qian said, "The abbot used to say, Cease, begone! Rest, begone! Chill,…

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The world, which includes our bodies, thought, feelings, perceptions, relationships, and physical environments, is the simultaneously appearing and vanishing display of the formless, boundless…

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