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Mind the Body, Mind the Mindcat04

Feel your body right now and notice any tension that is present. Now try to become conscious of how your mind creates that tension in the body. This is the practice of the Mind teaching of Zen because without the mind, the body won't be alive; without the mind, the body will not have tension nor comfort. If reality is our creation, then this body is certainly a Mind-made reality. If we cannot realize the inseparable nature…

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The Same Clancat03

Soldiers guarding the border at the order of an ignorant emperor, Holding their ground with determination and bloodshed; Guns ring and the sound of thunderous explosions filling the sky, Killing one another, not recognizing that all belonged to the same clan.      

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Think Againcat02

If you feel uncomfortable with someone in the course of your daily life, check within yourself immediately, because a negative thought pattern is active at that moment. Identify the pattern and then let it go.…

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Seeing the situation is seeing your mindcat01

        "Seeing the situation you are in is seeing the manifestation of your mind. No one else but yourself to blame thus take the full credit or responsibility. " This is the…

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The Flower Of The Self

  Thousand - foot waterfall flows into the deep pond; High waves hit off the bank and splash onto deities. Behind the water a bird flies back to its nest in a tree; Unencumbered by the four seasons, the flower of the…

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