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Sleepy in Meditationcat02

Student: When I practice meditation after work, I am very tired.  Sometimes it is too hard.  What should I do? Master:…

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The Mind

At each moment, your formless mind can generate a thought, which manifests as phenomenon. When you are enlightened, you see the Mind without manifestation. You realize that all phenomena cannot be distinguished…

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Inner Peace

People say we should have peace in this world, but are their minds at peace? If there is no peace in your mind, how can you create a peaceful family? Only a person who has a peaceful…

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Student: Why there is no outside? Master: Nothing is beyond the mind. Energy cannot be separated or divided. Phenomena are together…

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Not to die to the lifeless selfcat03

Not to die to the lifeless self, then the immortal nature cannot come alive; Not quite alive to the immortal, then one has not quite died to the lifeless; To live with what is alive and to die to what is dead is only half correct, To die to the living so the dead…

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