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How To Create Good Energy?cat02

Student: How to create good energy? Master: Energy is like a shadow.  You don't need to create the shadow.  Shadow is…

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Karma is our true legacy; it is the life we create through our thoughts and actions. Karma is the collective whole of our mind's creations. When we blame someone or something for a problem, we try to separate ourselves from…

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You are the Buddha!cat04

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="387" caption="Anacapa - Channel Island National Park"][/caption] Master Ling Shun visits Master Gue-Zhun and ask him: "What is the Buddha?" "If I tell you, would you believe it?" "How can I not trust master's words?" "You are the Buddha!" "How can I maintain this?" "Once…

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Why you have to let go?cat02

Everything your mind generates appears and disappears simultaneously. Thoughts, feelings and phenomena appear and disappear simultaneously. Consider the sound that occurs as…

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How to smooth out a tough relationship?cat02

  In life, we all run into situation that is hard to deal with.  Screaming or Pulling our hairs won't do any good.  Should we accept it as is and move on?  Or there is a better…

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