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If our lives have difficulties in our relationships and other situations, it indicates that we are tied down by habitual thought patterns. So, we must open up a better reality. First, though, we must open our…

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Why Enlightenment Is Important?cat02

Like it or not, we have been trapped in the limited view of our own habit­ual thinking patterns. We have been away from our true self for so so long. Don't you want to be free from chaos? Don't you want to be liberated for a better and happier life? Think deeply..…

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Student: Is intention very important? Master:  Yes, it is very important. Our intention is like the doors of our mind.…

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Can you live without past, present, and future?cat04

Before you have this thought, you already are. After this thought goes away, you still are. No thought can add or subtract anything from your true nature. Before encountering this situation, you already are. After it is over, you still are. No situation can actually trapped you because your essence is free and transcends past, present, and future. The question is: can you live without past, present, and future? Who are…

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How can we let go?cat02

The mind is formless, but we allow it to become occupied by habitual thought patterns. So, how can we let go? I will show you. If I hold an apple in my hand but reach for…

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