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Nirvana By Nauture

People tend to solve life's problem by solving external issues, but fail to grasp the roots of their problems. These problems are the habits and attachments within the mind. So, remember that the best way to change…

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Real "I"cat02

Student:  Master, what is the main point of the Heart Sutra? Master: The true meaning of the Heart Sutra is trying to tell us that…

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Equality Of All Beingscat02

It is important that we realize the fundamental equality of all beings. First of all, everyone possesses a mind. This is equality. Every person's mind can generate thoughts,…

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Can you live without past, present, and future?cat04

Before you have this thought, you already are. After this thought goes away, you still are. No thought can add or subtract anything from your true nature. Before encountering this situation, you already are. After it is over, you still are. No situation can actually trapped you because your essence is free and transcends past, present, and future. The question is: can you live without past, present, and future? Who are…

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Open Mind

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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