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Face the Reality

If someone spills juice on you, how will you handle it? If it is dirty, you only have to clean it. Nothing could be simpler. Most people react emotionally, but it is more important to face the root…

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What do you believe?cat04

Try to remember something you believed so strongly that your life was completely driven by it -  you thought you will never change or go away from it - and yet today you no longer believe it. It could be an accomplishment, a relationship, a religious or philosophical faith or conviction. Whatever it was, it is a belief. Do you remember having such belief? If you do, then compare that to anything you believe today. Are you…

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The Answer Is In The Question?!!cat02

I was amazed when I heard the phrase long time ago. Today still is from Zen Master Miao Tsan's teaching... "There is a Zen saying that 'the answer is in the question.' The answer will present itself when there is a true understanding of the root of the question.…

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If the Light of who you are is not in everyday mind, then you won't find it anywhere else because from the beginning, not a thing is.cat04

So what is this everyday mind? It is in the sound of a coffee machine and ringing cell phone. It is in the warmth of your chest and the tingling in your elbows. It is the computer screen and the people around you. It is the angel and the devil that talk in your head. It is the irritation in your gut and the urge to take a breath. It is in the air you breathe and the chair you sit on. It is the formless container from which…

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Reality is Realitycat02

Reality is reality. Reality is like your hands, which are yours alone. If your hands are rough, what can you do? You can not get rid of them. The same is…

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