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How To Create Good Energy?cat02

Student: How to create good energy? Master: Energy is like a shadow.  You don't need to create the shadow.  Shadow is…

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Look Withincat02

No event in any external situation can affect your negatively unless you allow it to. Situations bother you because you generate restless thoughts based on habitual patterns.…

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Judgments are not just negative thoughts; they are all the suffering you go through in life. Your resistance to people and situation is your judgment.

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Just Use This Mind:Book Launch in LA, CAcat02

An official book launch was held in the Zen garden of Vairocana Zen Monastery, Garden Grove, in January 15, 2011. More than one hundred people attended the event. Master Miao Tsan, the book author of "Just Use This Mind" provided a brief talk to welcome everyone…

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Why do we generate so many emotions? The reality is simple, but emotions are complex. If we maintain calmness of mind, we will more clearly see what should be done. Then we can move in the right direction. ¶…

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