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Calm Mindcat02

Student: How to stay calm in hectic daily activities? Master: When the situation comes up, one must first perceive the situation as it…

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When you are feeling down, it is your magnificent true Self that accepts the mood, just like a wealthy person temporarily feeling poor. We are free by nature but we choose to accept thoughts that limit us. In this moment, you are limiting yourself in certain ways through some ideas that you hold near and dear to your heart. You forget that there is a different choice. Let us practice remembering this fact again and again…

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Look Withincat02

No event in any external situation can affect your negatively unless you allow it to. Situations bother you because you generate restless thoughts based on habitual patterns.…

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We all want our lives to be free of difficulties. As always, however, the Mind is the source of life. For example, how should you respond when people are shouting at you? Do you stand up for yourself and shout…

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I Have Nothingcat04

Look around you right now, what do you really have? Is there anything that truly belonged to you? Look inside yourself, is there a single thought, idea, feeling, sensation that is really yours? Surely they must have begun sometime in the past and destine to change. Even your sense of self - the sense of "I" as an individual - didn't seem to have a long history. What is your earliest memory? When you were three or four years…

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