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Zhao-Zhou's Practicecat04

Someone asked Elder Zhao-Zhou (Joshu) how he practiced, and he said "For thirty years my mind remains undistracted, except perhaps when eating and putting on robes. Most people dwell on what they know, I alone remain in the not-knowing." I find the idea of being un-distracted really intriguing. Some distractions are obvious, we become fidgety and chatty in social situations. Less…

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A Cup of Teacat05

My mother always told me a watched pot never boils. She said I would always find what I was looking for in the last place I looked. I wanted to understand what she meant, but the truth of her statements eluded me. Of course the pot would boil. Of course I…

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Four Star Daycat05

Encounters with certain people, for example, may tend to trigger confrontational interactions. While we can easily justify our dislike of another person, the real question worth asking is why does this person manifest in our reality in…

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Hunger and satisfactioncat01

I read the wisdom of the week of this week  "Just as intellectual discussion about food cannot satisfy hunger, wisdom cannot come from outside oneself."  Hunger has been the driven factor for human being for a long time, and the basic level of surviving nutrition has been…

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Endless Sequelscat04

I haven't seen a movie in awhile but lately movies that have been coming out seem to be part of a series. Even movies that are already in a series have individual…

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