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Gate Keepercat04

Every difficult situation always leads you to a single thought that you cannot go beyond. "I can't do this." "There is not enough time." "He is so controlling." "I have to ....." " I can't..... " "I should..... shouldn't......" "It's impossible to ...." "I don't care....." "Why can't he understand?" "People are just lazy.".... Whatever the thought is, it is like a gate keeper. No matter what you try, you will always come…

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When you are feeling down, it is your magnificent true Self that accepts the mood, just like a wealthy person temporarily feeling poor. We are free by nature but we choose to accept thoughts that limit us. In this moment, you are limiting yourself in certain ways through some ideas that you hold near and dear to your heart. You forget that there is a different choice. Let us practice remembering this fact again and again…

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It's all just a Dreamcat05

I had a dream recently where I suddenly became very conscious and aware that I was in fact dreaming, and yet the dream kept going. Since I was conscious I was able to examine closely the dream world I was stuck in. What struck me…

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Equality Of All Beingscat02

It is important that we realize the fundamental equality of all beings. First of all, everyone possesses a mind. This is equality. Every person's mind can generate thoughts,…

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Live and Diecat04

This morning we took our daughter to the Los Angeles County Recorder Office to register her birth. This is what we saw at the entrance. Indeed, Life is made of births and deaths. Each piece of paper has a story of joy or sadness,…

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