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Live With Impermanencecat02

Student: How to live with impermanence? Master: First we need to realize the meaning of impermanence -- every single moment is changing.…

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A Cup of Teacat05

My mother always told me a watched pot never boils. She said I would always find what I was looking for in the last place I looked. I wanted to understand what she meant, but the truth of her statements eluded me. Of course the pot would boil. Of course I…

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Image After Imagecat03

Move image, image moving, image after image arising, Water waves, waves on water, ripple after ripple born, Empty the mind, the mind of emptiness, Emptiness just is,…

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I Have Nothingcat04

Look around you right now, what do you really have? Is there anything that truly belonged to you? Look inside yourself, is there a single thought, idea, feeling, sensation that is really yours? Surely they must have begun sometime in the past and destine to change. Even your sense of self - the sense of "I" as an individual - didn't seem to have a long history. What is your earliest memory? When you were three or four years…

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Four Reliance: Part I - Rely on the Teaching, not the Personcat04

This morning I had the idea of writing about the Four Reliance, inspired by a friend who recently broke with his spiritual group. I have seen this happened often enough that I wondered what went wrong? I guess the Buddha had foreseen the confusion that future practitioners will be facing and therefore taught the Four Reliance in order to help us all stay on the right path. The Four Reliance are: Rely on the…

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