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Why Enlightenment Is Important?cat02

Like it or not, we have been trapped in the limited view of our own habit­ual thinking patterns. We have been away from our true self for so so long. Don't you want to be free from chaos? Don't you want to be liberated for a better and happier life? Think deeply..…

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Change is necessary if you want to make progress in life. If you are reluctant to change, everything including your problems will remain the same. Remember that your thoughts and explanations are excuses. They are not…

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When you recognize an object, would you care much about its shadow anymore? No. When you finally realize what is creating your thoughts and experiences, nothing of this world can ever bother you again.

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Identification with 'things'cat04

Life is filled with 'things', both material and otherwise. There are relationships and feelings. There is the summer heat on your face, and the hunger for food, success, and recognition that drives you to eat, to work, to play and to rest. Then there are those ideas in your head. Every moment you are bombarded with 'things' - you see them, hear them, feel them, or think about them. But in the midst of them all, do you know…

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