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How Does the Mind Work?cat02

Student: How does the mind work? Master: Every single person possesses a formless mind.  In our formless mind, we have a system or pattern…

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What Do I Think about the Teaching?cat04

"As you read [Just Use This Mind], do not filter these concepts through your past experiences. There is a Zen saying, "To intend is already off-base; to think misses the truth." In other words, open your mind completely to the present moment. Only the manifestation in the present moment…

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Endless Sequelscat04

I haven't seen a movie in awhile but lately movies that have been coming out seem to be part of a series. Even movies that are already in a series have individual…

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Why Enlightenment Is Important?cat02

Like it or not, we have been trapped in the limited view of our own habit­ual thinking patterns. We have been away from our true self for so so long. Don't you want to be free from chaos? Don't you want to be liberated for a better and happier life? Think deeply..…

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Two Realities?cat02

Student: What is dualistic thinking? Master: In every single moment, we live with two realities. Based on our self-attachment…

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