The Gift of Life

Taking a walk in the early morning, I noticed the morning dew on the grass. Each blade of grass gets its own drops; every leaf has its time in the sun. Every plant can only be where it stands - take in what is given and grow from that, nothing else. It is ludicrous to worry about not having enough or wonder what if it is somewhere else. "This" is the gift of life - or perhaps the curse of life, the karma, the reality - and it is not a matter of choice but fact. Now imagine we are all like plants, rooted in this very moment - in this role, this environment, this situation, and this relationship. In this very moment where do we stand? Can we really accomplish anything outside where we are? Ultimately do we have any choice in all this? Yes, in this moment that is no longer a choice, we shape the next. If we are conscious enough, in the next moment we wake up a bit more, we do a bit better, then we keep that up and find joy in the process. While that joy people called choice, it is really something bigger called freedom.

Comments (2)

  1. Jen:
    Oct 25, 2011 at 07:58 AM

    Great blog!

  2. jackie:
    Oct 29, 2011 at 05:29 AM

    Beautiful thoughts are always welcome here.

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