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Wandering Thoughtscat02

Student:  How do I deal with wandering thoughts during the meditation? Master:  When we are practicing…

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A Master's Blessingcat02

Once a Zen master was invited to bless a grandfather's birthday celebration. The Master wrote, "Grandfather dies, father dies; son dies, grandson dies." The grandfather was very upset by this…

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Zhao-Zhou's Practicecat04

Someone asked Elder Zhao-Zhou (Joshu) how he practiced, and he said "For thirty years my mind remains undistracted, except perhaps when eating and putting on robes. Most people dwell on what they know, I alone remain in the not-knowing." I find the idea of being un-distracted really intriguing. Some distractions are obvious, we become fidgety and chatty in social situations. Less…

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A Zen Recipe for Holiday Peace, 'Tis the Sea-ZENcat02

Cheryl Alexander, Change Magazine Editor, speaks to Master Miao Tsan on November 8, on what Zen means for the holidays. Very interesting topic. Please click on the link,…

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Karma Effet

When we blame someone for a problem, we try to separate ourselves from our karma. Can anyone really separate a phenomenon into parts? One part is us, and the other part is outside of us? A phenomenon…

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