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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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Watch Out For Negative Thoughts

Imagine that you have one negative thought. Gradually, you will generate more and more negative thoughts. So, the first negative thoughts is like a newborn baby. The newborn is continually fed, and…

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Dewy Grasscat05

An eternity shrouded in darkness, fearless and unmoving Dawn breaks, rays of light cascade…

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Time to Practice!cat04

Master Miao Tsan in his upcoming book The Origin is Pure wrote: Whenever you feel stranded by external environment, in reality you are trapped by your internal thoughts. Do you recognize this truth in your own life? Can you identify the internal thought and let it go? It's time to practice!!  

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The Gift of Lifecat04

Taking a walk in the early morning, I noticed the morning dew on the grass. Each blade of grass gets its own drops; every leaf has its time in the sun. Every plant can only be where it stands - take in what is given and grow from that, nothing else. It is ludicrous to worry about not having enough or wonder what if it is somewhere else. "This" is the gift of life - or perhaps the curse of life, the karma, the reality -…

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