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Eventually we must clean up every opinion and every like and dislike in us. They will all become junk. All junks are self created like the piles of stuff in our garage. Remember, we are the ones who brought them home.

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Real Happinesscat02

Student: What is happiness that comes from within? Master:  If we have happiness comes from within, we call it "Dharma Joy".  That…

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To solve your problem in life, you must find the cause first. The search of the cause of your problem begins with meditation. Meditation cultivates relative…

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What Do I Think about the Teaching?cat04

"As you read [Just Use This Mind], do not filter these concepts through your past experiences. There is a Zen saying, "To intend is already off-base; to think misses the truth." In other words, open your mind completely to the present moment. Only the manifestation in the present moment…

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Why you have to let go?cat02

Everything your mind generates appears and disappears simultaneously. Thoughts, feelings and phenomena appear and disappear simultaneously. Consider the sound that occurs as…

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