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Master Miao Tsan in UC Irvinecat02

Master Miao Tsan met students of University of California, Irvine at the Student Center last night, January 12, 2010. A heated Q&A session was provided to look insight into Universal Truth & Oneness, just use this mind. Very informative. And feedbacks from…

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Ready To Face Yourself?cat02

Facing yourself requires great courage as it is a painful process. But in order to free ourselves from endless suffering, that's the way to go. Here, Zen Master Miao Tsan tells us why we need to do it and how to achieve it. "In life, man has already…

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Open Mindcat02

When the purpose of your work is primarily to help people, a much greater door is opened in your reality. The capacity of your mind expands with your earnest effort to help more people. You will not only obtain material benefit but will also experience deep joy. Contrastingly, if your effort is devoted only toward yourself, the scope of your reality will be narrow If you are always focused on personal benefit, the greatest…

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Going Around In Circles Forevercat05

  Does it sometimes feel as if you are just caught up in the same routine, endlessly repeating the same mundane actions over and over? Seeing the same sights? Doing the same things? Eating the same foods? Surrounded by the same…

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Watch Out For Negative Thoughts

Imagine that you have one negative thought. Gradually, you will generate more and more negative thoughts. So, the first negative thoughts is like a newborn baby. The newborn is continually fed, and…

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