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Simple Solutions for Parentscat05

A simple answer to a hard age-old question and a good introduction to Zen for children

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The Mind As Iscat03

Phenomena is neither attractive nor repulsive, Attractiveness and repulsiveness both arise from the mind, Without forcing a label on the truth, From where would delusion come? Free of delusion, The True Mind's awareness is all pervasive,…

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If the Light of who you are is not in everyday mind, then you won't find it anywhere else because from the beginning, not a thing is.cat04

So what is this everyday mind? It is in the sound of a coffee machine and ringing cell phone. It is in the warmth of your chest and the tingling in your elbows. It is the computer screen and the people around you. It is the angel and the devil that talk in your head. It is the irritation in your gut and the urge to take a breath. It is in the air you breathe and the chair you sit on. It is the formless container from which…

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Speed up and slow downcat04

To accelerate change, first accelerate your practice. Your practice will bring together all the right ingredients. To slow down your disturbances, first calm down your mind. Do not pedal aimlessly in turbulent water.

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Must see, 18 Arhat Arrived in Monasterycat02

18 Arhat statues from China are arrived in theVairocana Zen Monastery. Some of them are in the Zen garden. Some are around the Monastery. Their facial expression and posture make them like real. It's just incredible. Pictures can be viewed from the link,

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