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Identification with 'things'cat04

Life is filled with 'things', both material and otherwise. There are relationships and feelings. There is the summer heat on your face, and the hunger for food, success, and recognition that drives you to eat, to work, to play and to rest. Then there are those ideas in your head. Every moment you are bombarded with 'things' - you see them, hear them, feel them, or think about them. But in the midst of them all, do you know…

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Sleepy in Meditationcat02

Student: When I practice meditation after work, I am very tired.  Sometimes it is too hard.  What should I do? Master:…

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Four Reliance: Part I - Rely on the Teaching, not the Personcat04

This morning I had the idea of writing about the Four Reliance, inspired by a friend who recently broke with his spiritual group. I have seen this happened often enough that I wondered what went wrong? I guess the Buddha had foreseen the confusion that future practitioners will be facing and therefore taught the Four Reliance in order to help us all stay on the right path. The Four Reliance are: Rely on the…

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When you think someone or something is annoying, the truth is that "you" make him annoying and "you" make the situation an issue and suffer in it; the "annoying" person may not have any clue what's going…

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Subconscious Levelcat02

Student:  What is the difference between conscious and subconscious? Master:  Every single moment we have brainwaves. …

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