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Express Yourself!cat05

We're in the process of editing the Master's next book, The Origin Is Pure, in English. It's a fascinating process; every time I work on it, I learn something new about the Master's teaching--which I would expect--and the editorial process also gives me new understanding--which is like bonus enlightenment.…

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A Cup of Teacat05

My mother always told me a watched pot never boils. She said I would always find what I was looking for in the last place I looked. I wanted to understand what she meant, but the truth of her statements eluded me. Of course the pot would boil. Of course I…

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I was feeling sorry for myself this morning, and I opened my email, dreading what I might find. At the top of the Sisyphean list was the Wisdom of the Week. These little nuggets are sent out to people on a distribution list who have indicated that they are interested…

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Moon In Watercat02

Student: Master, you say about the moon in the water.  So the mind is the moon or water? Master: The mind is the full moon in the sky. …

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To the True Selfcat03

No trespassing, This place cannot be known to man; No recognition of appearances, Do not complain for the lack of courtesy. Here is the Joyful Dwelling of the True Self.      

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