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We all want our lives to be free of difficulties. As always, however, the Mind is the source of life. For example, how should you respond when people are shouting at you? Do you stand up for yourself and shout…

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New Year Resolution -- Build up Merit and Wisdomcat02

New year, new goal, and new action. What do you plan to work on or achieve this year? Healthier, happier, more money, or peaceful life? You name it. Secret ingredients to achieve any of the goals are merit and wisdom. Why so? Please see below from Master Miao…

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Time to Practice!cat04

Master Miao Tsan in his upcoming book The Origin is Pure wrote: Whenever you feel stranded by external environment, in reality you are trapped by your internal thoughts. Do you recognize this truth in your own life? Can you identify the internal thought and let it go? It's time to practice!!  

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Holding up a flower, the Buddha's scriptures are not usedcat03

Holding up a flower, the Buddha's scriptures are not used, Facing the wall of the Mind, all future births cease forever; Where can the descendant of the Patriarchs be found? Seeing through the Void, the Moon is thus Luminous.…

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Real Practicecat02

Student: What is real practice? Master: Realize your mind and realize the abilities of your mind.  This is what we called practice.  Realize…

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