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A Dilbert Momentcat04

A meeting  in corporate America... Colleague A: "The deadline for this report is tomorrow." Colleague B: "I am all booked tomorrow - can't cancel the meetings." Colleague C: "You have the analysis I sent out last week, right?" Colleague D: "If we are not done, we are not done." Colleague E: "Did we ever promise a report?" Colleague F: "No, just a memo."…

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University of Houston Lecturescat02

Today at the University of Houston, Master Miao Tsan spoke to students in three classes of the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship about opening a window of wisdom for young minds. Carlos Ortega, Assistant professor and Bill Sherril, Profesor and founder of the…

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Real Practicecat02

Student: What is real practice? Master: Realize your mind and realize the abilities of your mind.  This is what we called practice.  Realize…

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What is Truth?cat02

The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) tells it all. "No theory or spiritual figure--regardless of his or her level of realization--can convey anything higher than the truth. No speaker--or the ideas he expresses--can go beyond the scope of the truth. Any…

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Think Againcat02

If you feel uncomfortable with someone in the course of your daily life, check within yourself immediately, because a negative thought pattern is active at that moment. Identify the pattern and then let it go.…

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